Wednesday, April 25, 2007


UWOC / EWOC Summer Trip - Czech Republic, 13th-20th August

The UWOC summer trip is now approaching. After some discussion, and the reassessment of earlier plans, we will be going to the Bohemia 5-day International event, in the Czech Republic.

There are 5 races, one each day during 15th-19th August. The plan is for the group to fly out to Prague on the 13th, and return on the 20th, with some sightseeing in the spare time. Flights are generally planned to be departing Gatwick at 18.20 on the 13th, and flying out from Prague at 21.50 on the 20th. For accomodation, we are intending to camp, on a well-equiped campsite, although there are other options available.

The event website is at, entries are cheap, but the cost will increase as time goes on (the cheapest entries are available until 30th April).

Anyone who is interested would be welcome to join with us - just sort out your own entries and let us know your intentions. Even if you only wish to come for a couple of days, that would be great. If you have any questions, please email us and ask! (use the normal club address, orienteering [at] sunion [dot] warwick [dot] ac [dot] uk)

Also, please could you pass this on to anyone you know who might also be interested (we have a slight lack of EWOK contact details)


The UWOC Exec

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